【同义词辨析】 2019-07-23 和平pacific-peaceable

pacific: applies chiefly to persons or to utterances, acts, influences, or ideas that tend to maintain peace and conciliate strife: adopted a ~ attitude at the conference.   conciliate和解调和,表示结束此前的疏远敌对,通过劝说让步消除分歧suggests the ending of an estrangement by persuasion, concession or settling of differences,如America's efforts to conciliate the nations of the Middle East美国试图与中东国家达成和解)   (strife冲突争斗,强调为了取得优势implies strong disagreement or fighting, especially a struggle for superiority,如civil strife国内内斗,如money is a major cause of strife in many marriages金钱是婚姻不和的一个主要原因,如during his reign the empire was free of strife他当政时国内没有纷争

peaceable: stresses enjoyment of peace as a way of life and may imply absence of any intent to behave aggressively: a ~ gathering.   aggressive有两个意思,1、侵略性的implies readiness to attack,如which country was the aggressor?哪个国家是侵略者? 2、气势汹汹争强好胜implies acting with force and determination in order to succeed, 如an aggressive advertising campaign一场气势汹汹的广告宣传,如aggressive and successful in the business world在商场上争强好胜并取得了成功)

peaceful: suggests absence of strife or contention as well as of all disturbing influences: ~ solution.  contention争议,意思和strife相同但更强烈,形容词contentious表示喜欢争论令人反感的applies to strife or competition that shows itself in quarreling, disputing or controversy,如several points of contention between the two sides双方还有几点争议) ~ evolution和平演变

irenic: often used in relation to religious controversy, may describe attitudes and measures likely to allay dispute: issued an ~ interpretation of the canon.  allay使缓解使镇定,特别是缓解惊慌害怕implies an effective calming or soothing especially of fears or alarms, 如the encouraging report allayed their fears令人鼓舞的消息缓解了他们的担心)

pacifist: stresses opposition, and especially active opposition, to war or violence, typically on moral or conscientious grounds: a ~ group on the campus.

pacifistic: is close to pacifist, but ordinarily applies only to things: a determinedly ~ outlook.

pacific和平: 表示人的行为想法表达等维护和平调和冲突,太平洋,peaceable爱好和平: 形容人享受和平,不愿气势汹汹,peaceful和平的: 表示没有战争搅扰,irenic(宗教)爱好和平: 用于宗教方面,pacifist和平主义者: 强调基于道德良知积极反对战争暴力的人,pacifistic和平主义的: 同上,但用于

记忆方法: 1)首字母想成5PI,加我6个人<==和平

        2)和平的意思是营造促进和平mean affording or promoting peace.